Tuesday, March 24, 2015

So, where do I start?

How to express how incredibly pleased I/we are with how this turned out this last Saturday. An amazing response from participants who travelled here, voted with their wallets, and then rode this amazing ride! I'm totally biased but I think the route was fantastic. 60+ miles of great roads and trails in a compact geographical area, connected together to make one (or two!) great rides!

And the volunteers that put the ride together, staffed the SAG stops, hosted the party, provided the beer (THANKS Ritual & Escape) and just plain ol' made this thing happen. The praise goes to the riders and community in Redlands and the IE that supported this, talked it up, and put their $$$ and time into it. Can't thank any of you enough!

I want to encourage everyone to friend/like the IEBA on fb as well as post their pictures, video, and any feedback they have for us. While the RSR was in part a fundraiser for the IEBA, it is much more-so a form of advocacy in and of itself. The more people know this quality riding is here, the more bikes that are out in the public, the more the cities and communities out here will realize how important infrastructure and access is. So while you were having fun on a great ride, you were also participating in bike advocacy! Way to multi-task out there, people!

We plan on doing this again next year, so be sure to talk it up, as it is 100% a word of mouth sort of an event!

And finally, below is a video from one of the participants James W. It's a blast to watch and re-live some of the riding from Saturday! Check it out!

Thanks to all!


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Alternative Routes Home

As you're looking at the routes, keep in mind that there are LOTS of ways to get around the eastern end of the San Bernardino Valley. Out of towners or locals that aren't familiar with the trails on this route are highly encouraged to look it over and wrap their head around the different portions of it. To assist with that, shown below are two of the options available on the route to get you back to Redlands if things just aren't working out as planned.

Sand Canyon: The two routes share the same course up to mile 17/27.5km. At that point, the 100 km continues east into Yucaipa proper, while the 50 heads back west to Redlands. The 100km riders who are looking for an early exit can simply follow the 50km route at this point.

Bryant St: If you want something a little bit more, and are feeling decent but not quite good enough to finish, hang in there till the next alt-option at the 22.3 mile/36km mark. The 100km route at this point heads east on Fir Ave (and you should stay on it!!!), but if you want to go north on Bryant, and then over to Grape St, you'll still be able to do all the Crafton Hills portion. That keeps you on the rest of the route and lets you finish with everyone else. That is highly encouraged!

There are lots of other ways to bail if you have to, but these are the two big options to help you finish the ride, rather than just getting back to your car. The goal is to have fun, see some new territory, and enjoy the day. If you're miserable during the ride, you're not doing any of the above. Get back to Redlands and have lunch already!!!


Redlands Bike BBQ Alley PartyThe Redlands Bike BBQ is hosting Saturday morning's send off, and last-minute maintenance can be had there. The BBBQ is a great asset to the community, and is the local source of all-volunteer and donation based bicycle assistance.

If you happen to have any bikes, parts, components, tools or miscellaneous gathering dust in the garage, please consider donating them to the BBBQ. Any and all help is appreciated!!!

Full House!

They also have great t-shirts for sale for $20!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Good Omens!

A solid half hour of rain and hail this afternoon... dirt's going to be perfect!

Double Rainbow RIP Sir Terry

Crafton Hills Sector

Crafton is the final climbing segment and longest dirt portion of the 100km route. It comes along at the 71st kilometer and requires you to climb 5km of buffed single track. This is worth pushing for, as the trails and views are both amazing and the accomplishment you'll get from this will be worth it. If you can make it here, the rest is (mostly) all down hill. Still 20km more to go, but downhill nonetheless!

For those in the know or who want to look at it on the Google, the route is first climbing climbing Grape St. Trail (follow the singletrack, not the direct downhill). Then taking the construction site single track over to Yikes! trail and descending to the paved access road at the bottom. Once there, climbing back up 38 Special to the fire road is where you earn your bragging rights! This is one of the best trails around, with unencumbered views of the Santa Ana River watershed. Again, buffed singletrack, with several switchback sections to keep the grade reasonable. It's SoCal hardpan with slick ball-bearing like sand on top. There might be a dab or two.

At the top of 38 Special, you'll made the Crafton fire road. You can really open it up on until you get to Thunderbird Trail. That's a quick right and minor uphills, then a GREAT downhill singletrack! Descend down that, then climb half-way back up Three Hawks Trail to the college.

Whew, got all that? Crafton Hills College has water, but restrooms are closed on the weekend.

Exit the college onto Sand Canyon at the light (fast traffic here!). Turn left on Sand Canon and go for no more than 200 meters, then right at the cable gate into the Crafton Hills Conservancy property and back onto the 50km route. The 50km does not need to ride to Sand Canyon, but instead picks up the trail through the housing development (50K Cutoff on map below).

This also serves as a bailout option for the 100km.  If you are planning on the 100, and just having a bad day, simply follow the 50km route at this point and it's still going to be a good ride!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

El Dorado Sector

Most of the dirt portions on the RSR are fairly intuitive, with an obvious route forward. One of the areas that can involve some guesstimating is in Yucaipa's newest open space, El Dorado. The route goes straight into it as you climb east (and up!) on Fir Ave. At a little below the 24th mile, the designated route follows a tree-line north-east through the area, till it parallels Carter St. You continue both along and on Carter for about half a mile and then drop south to the parking area where the second SAG stop will be located.

Looking at the screen cap above, you can see a lot of trails all over the place up there. The potential to go off the main designated trail exists. If that happens, just meander till you get to Oak Glen Rd. and you'll be fine!

Most of the dirt portions are fairly straightforward, with an obvious route forward. One of the areas that does involve some guesstimating is in Yucaipa's newest open space, El Dorado. The route goes straight into it as you climb east (and up!) on Fir Ave. The designated route follows a tree-line north-east through the area, till it parallels Carter St. You continue both along and on Carter for about half a mile and then drop south to the parking area where the second SAG stop will be located.

Looking at the screen cap above, you can see a lot of trails all over the place up there. The potential to go off the main designated trail exists. If that happens, just meander till you get to Oak Glen Rd. and you'll be fine!

Monday, March 16, 2015

RSR Training Ride - Wed 3/18

For anyone that is a little anxious about riding their road bike on the trails, there is going to be a pre-RSR skills clinic this Wednesday the 18th. It will be put on by master-cyclist extraordinaire Chuck D (Appearing without Flava Flave). He's going to be leaving out of Stell's Coffee here in Redlands at 5:30. Twenty miles, not tough or fast necessarily, but to get people comfortable on the dirt. Mountain bike riders are obviously invited as well. Heck it's just a plain ol' excuse to go for a bike ride!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

2015 Strada Rossa Official Route Reveal

Photo-op on Three Hawks Trail Four, three, two, one... we're live!

50km:  http://ridewithgps.com/routes/7205176

Please take a look at both, because the 50 can serve as a bail-out route for the 100. In fact I am quite proud of how both share the same course, with the 100 simply going on for more.

I'll be pointing out some bail options during the week, but feel the 100 is very doable if you pace yourself on it. Go for the 100!!!

Weather is still looking good, projected to be under 80 American units of temperature. All lights are green!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Seven Days And Counting...


Weather is holding at a projected 78F. Rode today and it was 86F and not a problem.
Every thing seems to be falling in to place!
Final routes (100 and 50) should be ready to post on Monday... stay tuned!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Two Weeks To Go. Now With Lunch Included!

The message below was sent out to registrants, but we wanted to post here as well:

Wanted to give you all a quick update.
The course is about set. A couple of adds to let you know about.
First, lunch will be included with entry!!!
Second, we are working on having different types of drinks not just beer. 
Third we have a patch available this year and we did not print t shirts as it is a hassle to be left with extra stock. We will be offering an new IEBA t-shirt along with some of last years Strada.
Fourth and coolest, we are having a FREE ride up to the Redlands "R" on Sunday. For those of you that want to stick around for more suffering, we promise a slightly easier pace and incredible views of the San Bernardino Valley. Maybe even some SNOW!
We will have 2 more updates coming so make sure to tell your friends. We currently have about 100 riders signed up.