And the volunteers that put the ride together, staffed the SAG stops, hosted the party, provided the beer (THANKS Ritual & Escape) and just plain ol' made this thing happen. The praise goes to the riders and community in Redlands and the IE that supported this, talked it up, and put their $$$ and time into it. Can't thank any of you enough!
I want to encourage everyone to friend/like the IEBA on fb as well as post their pictures, video, and any feedback they have for us. While the RSR was in part a fundraiser for the IEBA, it is much more-so a form of advocacy in and of itself. The more people know this quality riding is here, the more bikes that are out in the public, the more the cities and communities out here will realize how important infrastructure and access is. So while you were having fun on a great ride, you were also participating in bike advocacy! Way to multi-task out there, people!
We plan on doing this again next year, so be sure to talk it up, as it is 100% a word of mouth sort of an event!
And finally, below is a video from one of the participants James W. It's a blast to watch and re-live some of the riding from Saturday! Check it out!
Thanks to all!