Sunday, January 25, 2015

Registration is open!

You are now able to register for the event on the IEBA's site:

You can also follow news and info postings on facebook here:

Last year's ride was a free, no-cost, gratis event. That was fantastic for everyone, but in efforts to expand, we've set this year's up as a fund-raiser for the IEBA. $35 $25 gets you in on what we hope to be a fantastic rollicking & rolling good time! The $35 $25 includes an annual membership in the IEBA, which goes directly to promoting more and safer bike riding in the Inland Empire. Cost is only $10 for current IEBA members. New members signing up with a $15 membership pay a total of only $25 for membership and RSR! Act now, supplies are limited! Operators are standing by!

Experience what we collectively consider some of the best roads and trails in the Eastern San Bernardino Valley, linked together in one full day of riding. Good trails, back roads, great scenery, fantastic people!

Redlands Strada Rossa
Pics from last year, show that if we're lyin' we're dyin':

Saturday, January 24, 2015

50km Route Pre-Ride

Canyon trails.

Back roads through orange groves.

Flat-land singletrack.

And a brewery.

What more could you want???

More pics from the ride:

Thursday, January 8, 2015

March 21, 2015

It's official! We're going to pull this off again! The Second Annual Redlands Strada Rossa will be held on the second day of spring this year. A metric century 100km course is the main event, but we are planning on also having a half-metric 50km route that shares most of the longer route's course. In order to really get people's attention, there will be a Friday night pre-ride party, and for folks that want to stick around till Sunday, a post-ride ride in the front-range of the San Bernardino Mtns just to our north.

Oh yeah, here's a preview: